
eConverter is free and opensource collection of tools for converting files from PDF/SWF to PDF/PS/PNG/SVG

eConverter consists of:

How to build/install on Linux

  1. Make sure you have theese installed: Cairo, Poppler, Gtk+, SwfDec, GNU Autoconf, GNU Automake, GNU Libtool.
  2. Execute: ./
  3. Execute: ./configure and install any missing libraries if needed
  4. Execute: make
  5. Built files will be: src/econverter-gui, src/econverter-console
  6. If you want to install then execute: make install
  7. If you want to uninstall then execute: make uninstall

How to build on Windows

To build on windows use MinGW.

Due to GPL license incompatibility with Apache license binaries can`t be distributed, sorry about that.

How to build samples

  1. Go to samples/ directory
  2. Execute: make

Quick samples how to use econverter-console

Quick sample how to use libeconverter

#include <econverter/eConverter.h>
int main() {


You can download whole Mercurial repository here:

You can clone it with this command:
hg clone static-

There is also repository mirror:


Whole project is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0; You may obtain a copy of the License at: